Sunday, September 26, 2010

Verbal Definition

A definition of "Busyness" as written in the, "Buried by Busy" Relevant magazine article:

Get up early. Go to bed late. Attack the inbox. Make lists. Relate. Send texts. Keep up with friends. Don't miss opportunities. Make it to the end. Accomplish. Plan. Go fast. Work it. Shoot for the moon. Don't be last. Run. God. Don't eat that. Lead the meeting. Cover the shift. Go to class. Mish-mash. "Gotta tweet that, share that, digg that."

Forget that.

Busyness is a modern status symbol, the currency of social capital. We lament this situation and yet still brag about it--even while it overwhelms us.

This definition and explanation is successful because it goes beyond telling the literal definition of busy and offers a personal understanding of what busy actually feels like. It lists several unrelated tasks with no space and game plan in between to recreate that familiar overwhelming feeling. The last two sentences also go a bit farther (as a transition into the article) to explain the plight of the hate and love relationship of busyness.

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